Monday, May 9, 2011

Mechie's Personal Appeal to Friends and Family

Hi everyone,

Thank you for checking out our blog and supporting OYE. I'm posting the personal appeal I recently made to friends and family (below) in hopes that I can snag a few more donations and votes from our blog readers. However, if you're inclined to donate on Ana's behalf or vote for her- that's fine too. We need all the support we can get and I know there's enough love to go around! I would like to point out, however, that I'm in the if you want to be on the winning team you should definitely donate to me!!



Dear friends and family,

I'm writing with some very good news and a BIG appeal for your support.

The good news first...I'm getting back on the running wagon (after way too many months loving life and running very, very little) and have decided to motivate myself by committing to a "marathon". I use "marathon" because it's really just a half-marathon and many of the race details are yet to be determined. As you know, I am living in Honduras these days and I'm slowly figuring out that nothing is ever final in Honduras until it happens- which, in this case, means the San Pedro Sula "Marathon" is scheduled for sometime in June (no one knows exactly when) and the race distances still haven't been confirmed. Novice runners may be able to run a 10K or a half one really knows yet. What we do know is that the race will happen at some point in June and (gracias a Dios)- the full marathon is reserved for pros only! Can you sense how happy that makes me?

Next, my BIG appeal for your support! As many of you know I've said I'm going to run a "marathon" many times and have never stuck to it. This time I needed some accountability and what better way to be accountable than to fundraise for something near and dear to my heart? So....I have committed to raise $2000 in the next 30 days for the Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE) in Honduras. If you've read my emails from the past few years you know how much OYE means to me so I won't repeat that now. Instead I'm going to tell you all the reasons you should support my efforts to raise money for this fabulous organization. If you think my list is tacky- just stop reading and click here to donate. If you think my list is funny, keep reading and adding up all the reasons you should personally donate a bundle of cash to this important work happening in Honduras.

Here goes....

  1. I am competing with Ana Luisa to see who can raise the most money in the next 30 days on our race blog. If you are a member of my family or count yourself as my friend- you CANNOT possibly allow Ana to beat me! I do a lot for others and rarely ask or accept anything in return. This is me asking. (begging! PLEASE don't let Ana beat me!)
  2. Think of all the baby showers, weddings, and birthdays I've attended, all those sippie cups, onesies, waffle makers and bridesmaid dresses I've purchased over the years. Now just think of this as my registry.
  3. If you are one of those people who do very little in your daily life to make the world a better place but use the excuse "I give to charity" to make yourself feel better, well, here's your chance!
  4. You make a boat load of cash in the oil business (hello, Houston!) and desperately need a tax write off (and a way to save your soul).
  5. Here's your chance to say thank you for that awesome upgrade I got us, that time I talked the customs official into allowing your very questionable "personal item" to cross the border, that time I held your hair back when everyone else left you for dead, and that secret I've kept for all these years. You're welcome!
  6. Former coworkers/employers: you know how hard I worked and how chronically underpaid I was. I know you feel bad about it, but it's ok! You can make it all up to me right now.
  7. Remember that money you borrowed from me and never paid back? That money we haven't talked about in years but we both remember? Here's your chance to make it even.
  8. You did something really bad last week and are seeking ways to improve your karma. (fyi the Buddha said the more you give the closer you'll be to nirvana...I swear.)
  9. You've been very fortunate in life and are always looking for ways to pay it forward (I'm looking at you, number 3).
  10. Let's be honest, no matter how strapped for cash you are (though we accept credit cards so you don't even need cash!) you can afford to give something small to work that is important. A very smart woman (Lynne Twist, if you must know) taught me years ago that too often we live our lives in scarcity- thinking there's never enough money, time or resources to do what we need or want to do. The truth is, we live in abundance. There is enough money, enough time and enough resources. There is enough food to feed everyone on this planet. There is enough money to give every child an education. There is enough time for your family, friends and your children. We just have to start directing our money, time and resources to those things that matter most...and encourage others to do the same.
  11. Last but certainly not least, OYE is an innovative, youth run organization that empowers young Hondurans to be leaders in their country. OYE scholars are mostly girls, are from very low income families, and have to work their tails off to be accepted into OYE....and continue to work hard to stay in the program. They make great grades, are active in their community and graduate from high school at a much higher rate than students not in OYE...they are the best of the best. If you don't care about my pride or your own karma, then at least do it for these fantastic kids!
I hope it didn't take reading all these reasons to compel you to give, but if it did, that's fine too. Whatever works! If you are reading this message it means I count you as a friend so I hope you take this chance to support me and OYE as we try to make a difference (otherwise, we aren't friends any more).

Don't forget to check out my race blog. I'll be updating you on my training and fundrasing....and making snide comments about all those people who received this appeal but didn't donate. Also, please share my appeal with anyone you think will help me bring in the bucks, preferably your very rich or very generous friends.

Wish me luck!


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